Yummy for Mom's on the Run! |
Okay - I wish I was able to do this clean eating/wheat free thing without having to rely on protein shakes but seriously breakfast is a challenge with 3 kids (and hubby gone before we wake up). I use baby's happy time to "put on my face" because I need two hands for that and I really like to have my teeth brushed before I start my day. Okay - and I DON'T leave the house without mascara among other beauty aides because that's just scary for everyone. Plus our kitchen is like a restaurant at breakfast time - all five of us eat something different which is SO very annoying (and messy). I would like to work on getting us in sync but its hard with picky eaters. I'm reading "the no-cry picky eater solution" book but time will tell if I make any progress. So many days my breakfast is a "smoothie" which I can take with me when I'm getting make-up on/dressed or in the car if it just doesn't happen at home (which is most days) .
Here's what I concocted this morning (Note I didn't drink this until almost 3 hours after I woke up and we all paid for it later in the day - I should be eating my protein within an hour of waking up - I was super nasty grumpy "I don't like anyone" from about 11 - 1 which is a common occurrence when I don't follow the 1 hour golden rule. Pay attention to your moods - is there a theme?
Chocolate Banana Frosty Monkey Smoothie
6 ice cubes
3/4 portion Chocolate flavor Whey Protein Isolate (from Costco)
1 frozen banana (nuked for 20 seconds so I can get the skin off)
1/2 cup milk of choice (I used soy - another no no to some but in the limited amounts I drink it I don't worry)
I throw this all in my Ninja blender for about 20 - 30 seconds and voila - I've got breakfast.
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