
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Carrot Ginger Soup and Food for Thought

When I first read this I was shocked, upset and frankly a little sad...........ready for it.................between 70%-80% of our ability to lose excess fat is based on our diet and only 20-30% is determined by exercise, lifestyle and genetics. Shit. Shit. Shit.* That threw my whole plan out the window. The plan: rely on good genes/high metabolism from my Dad and start exercising again when my kids get a bit older and I have "more time". No problem - keep eating whatever I want because I LOVE eating and I'll be skinny again as soon as I have the time and energy to exercise.

Well, with one short sentence and a very stretched out belly that really didn't give a damn about how many crunches I was doing (thanks baby #3) and my whole plan was out the window. But guess what...its okay - I still get to eat awesome (different) food and I feel better, I have energy and I do like my kids. There was a bit of a grieving process but I am over it now and can move on. Exercise is a huge part of a healthy lifestyle but unfortunately ladies (and maybe a couple gents) we have to deal with this food thing..................sigh.

So here is another clean recipe for you that tastes so yummy delicious you won't realize your whole life has been derailed. Clean eating doesn't have to feel like deprivation. This is an easy-peasy recipe, for some reason its really filling and really good if you like ginger. I love ginger and it has huge health benefits - too many to mention. Chinese medicine has been using it for over 2000 years for all sorts of ailments - and those dudes know what they are doing. But given the time of year and the outbreak of influenza I think the fact that it can be used to prevent and treat flu's and colds and it strengthens immunity should be reason enough to try this.

Pureed carrot and ginger soup - it will help fight that cold and/or flu.

Carrot and Ginger Soup
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 medium onion, finely chopped
1 tbps coconut oil or butter (don't be scared of good fat)
3 cups chopped carrots
1 1/2 tbsps finely chopped fresh ginger (adjust to your preference)
fine sea salt and pepper to taste
1 cup full fat coconut milk (Again - don't be scared of good fat - it will fill you up)
1 cup chicken or vegetable stock (organic/gluten-free if possible)
A little dried parsley for colour (if you blog or want to impress someone)

In a heavy pot, fry the garlic and onion over medium heat in the oil or butter until softened. Add the carrots, ginger, salt and pepper. Let it cook for about 3 to 5 minutes (b/c I like it better when the ginger is cooked a bit). Add the coconut milk and stock and let it simmer on a low boil until the carrots are softened - about 15 minutes. Remove from heat and let cool or if you are crazy and don't mind the risk of 2nd degree burns go ahead and puree it with a hand blender. Warm and serve! 

* I don't normally swear but seriously this was really upsetting to me. Plus, my Baba Teenie taught me that shit is not actually a swear so it doesn't really count anyway.


  1. good old Baba are definitely allowed to say shit (especially upon upsetting news!) she was so darn cute. and smart.

    I'm going to try this recipe...I love ginger too.

  2. Well the only thing I am going to say is I am P,Od that I had to find out about this on FB!!! From an excellent source no less (Thanks Laur) but still!! Plus I think you might have my apron? ;)

    I have some friends that might be interested in being "clean", should I just give them this link, I am not even sure how blogs work, do you need to subscribe? OY, I am getting old, I don't even know how to get on a dang Blog! I haven't read anything here yet but will provide a review at a later date.

    Your "Fav" Auntie!

  3. Ha - actually I didn't send it to you because I couldn't find you on my blackberry and haven't felt like "booting up" my work computer. So very glad you made your way here on your own....very impressed with your technical savvy. At least you are on FB.

    Feel free to send anyone you want the link or web address:

    Also - check out my Fennel post (one of my first ones). Uncle Tom gets an honorable you guys are always on my mind.
